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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statements of Operations
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
General information and reorganization transactions
Basis of preparation
Critical accounting estimates, assumptions and judgements
Other income
Other operating expenses
Employee benefits expense
Finance expense
Income tax expense
Property, plant and equipment, net
Intangible assets, net
Trade and other receivables
Leases – The Group as a lessee
Trade and other payables
Deferred tax
Share capital
Related party transactions
Capital commitments
Group information
Financial risk management
Forward Purchase Agreements (“FPA”)
Listing expenses
New or revised IFRSs not yet adopted
Subsequent events
Loss per share
Comparative information
Accounting Policies
Basis of preparation (Policies)
Basis of preparation (Tables)
Revenue (Tables)
Other income (Tables)
Other operating expenses (Tables)
Employee benefits expense (Tables)
Finance expense (Tables)
Income tax expense (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment, net (Tables)
Intangible assets, net (Tables)
Trade and other receivables (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Leases – The Group as a lessee (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Borrowings (Tables)
Deferred tax (Tables)
Share capital (Tables)
Related party transactions (Tables)
Capital commitments (Tables)
Group information (Tables)
Financial risk management (Tables)
Listing expenses (Tables)
Loss per share (Tables)
Schedule of property, plant and equipment depreciation, estimated useful lives (Details)
Schedule of intangible assets depreciable, estimated useful lives (Details)
Basis of preparation (Details Narrative)
Critical accounting estimates, assumptions and judgements (Details Narrative)
Schedule of revenue classified by type of good or service (Details)
Schedule of other income (Details)
Schedule of other operating expenses (Details)
Schedule of employee benefits expense (Details)
Schedule of finance expense (Details)
Schedule of tax expense attributable to loss (Details)
Schedule of income tax rates to profit or loss before income tax expense (Details)
Schedule of Income Tax Rates to Profit or Loss Before Income Tax Expense (Details) (Paranthetical)
Schedule of property, plant and equipment (Details)
Schedule of fair value measurement hierarchy of leasehold land and buildings (Details)
Schedule of reconciliation of fair value measurements (Details)
Schedule of valuation techniques used and key inputs to valuation of leasehold land and buildings (Details)
Schedule of intangible assets (Details)
Property, plant and equipment, net (Details Narrative)
Schedule of trade and other receivables (Details)
Schedule of components of trade receivables aging (Details)
Trade and other receivables (Details Narrative)
Schedule of inventories (Details)
Inventories (Details Narrative)
Schedule of ROU assets classified within property, plant and equipment (Details)
Schedule of depreciation charge (Details)
Schedule of interest expense (Details)
Schedule of short-term leases (Details)
Schedule of lease liabilities (Details)
Leases – The Group as a lessee (Details Narrative)
Schedule of trade and other payables (Details)
Trade and other payables (Details Narrative)
Schedule of borrowings term loan (Details)
Schedule of respect of the interest-bearing borrowings trade and other payables (Details)
Schedule of borrowings term loan (Details) (Parenthetical)
Borrowings (Details Narrative)
Schedule of deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Schedule of deferred tax liabilities (Details)
Deferred tax (Details Narrative)
Schedule of share capital (Details)
Share capital (Details Narrative)
Schedule of related party transactions (Details)
Schedule of Capital Expenditures (Details)
Schedule of consolidated financial statements (Details)
Schedule of currency exposure (Details)
Schedule of tax rate effect (Details)
Schedule of group’s exposure to credit risk and ECLs for trade receivables (Details)
Schedule of movements in loss allowance for trade receivables (Details)
Schedule of liquidity risk (Details)
Schedule of financial instruments (Details)
Financial risk management (Details Narrative)
Forward Purchase Agreements (“FPA”) (Details Narrative)
Schedule of listing expenses (Details)
Subsequent events (Details Narrative)
Schedule of loss per share (Details)
Comparative information (Details Narrative)
All Reports